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Efficient Storage Middleware Design in InfiniBand Clusters for High End Computing

Posted on:2013-08-31Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Ohio State UniversityCandidate:Ouyang, XiangyongFull Text:PDF
High End Computing (HEC) has been growing dramatically over the past decade. Both High Performance Computing (HPC) and Cloud Computing clusters are becoming increasingly homogeneous in their hardware platforms. Meanwhile both domains are facing a common challenge caused by the IO subsystem.;This dissertation aims at designing an efficient IO middleware that can largely mitigate the aforementioned IO bottleneck. We design a write-aggregation scheme to reduce IO overhead during C/R activities. Based on that a hierarchical data staging framework is designed to substantially reduce the time cost of C/R. To tackle the performance issue in Process Migration, we propose a new protocol, Pipelined Process Migration with RDMA (PPMR), that fully pipelines data writing, data transfer, and data read operations during different phases of a migration cycle. Additionally we explore how to adopt Solid State Disk (SSD) into the IO stack to leverage SSD's superior performance. We extend the SSD Flash Translation Layer to provide a new IO primitive called Atomic Write, which significantly improves the database performance by removing the overhead of the atomic completion guarantee for a group of discrete IO requests. We also propose an SSD-Assisted Hybrid Memory that expands RAM with SSD to make available a large amount of memory that can be used as an efficient data caching layer for datacenters.
Keywords/Search Tags:Efficient, Computing, Data, Performance
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