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Course management system in a traditional face-to-face classroom: A study evaluating the factors influencing student accountability

Posted on:2007-05-23Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Horvath, Carrie MFull Text:PDF
This dissertation led to an understanding of the benefits of using a course management system in a traditional face-to-face classroom. The supply and use of technology in the classroom is not new, but implementations of course management systems are making a bigger stance. This study considered the research regarding the use of course management systems in online and hybrid/blended environments, but devised its conclusions on how these systems best work in the classroom. Specifically, the study explained how students hold themselves more accountable for their course work (learning) due to integration of a course management system in the classroom. Student perceptions of their accountability were measured quantitatively across several institutions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Course management, Classroom, Traditional face-to-face
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