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Job satisfaction of Idaho high school principals

Posted on:2004-07-22Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Idaho State UniversityCandidate:Brogan, Gary BretFull Text:PDF
This study was designed to assess the job satisfaction of high school principals in the state of Idaho as measured by the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire Short Form (MSQ). The target population was defined as all high school principals in the state of Idaho. Survey questionnaires were mailed to 128 Idaho High School Principals. A total of 78 usable questionnaires, or 60.9% were returned after a follow-up mailing. This questionnaire packet contained both the MSQ and a demographic survey with 13 questions. Demographic data pertaining to school enrollment, gender, years in current position, years of experience as a high school principal, highest degree currently held, geographic region, ethnicity, number of vice/assistant principals, and number of vice/assistant principals as discipline supervisors. In order to gather data relating to attrition, principals were also asked whether they would be willing to change professions if another job opportunity came available in the next 12 months. Quantitative and qualitative research designs were utilized to analyze the data. Descriptive and multiple regression analyses were employed as statistical analytical procedures. Principals were also asked open ended questions concerning what would they most like removed or added from their current positions, and what aspects of their current positions did they like performing the least and most.; It was concluded that university administrator preparation programs need to make a more concerted effort when preparing future principals for the more difficult aspects associated with the principalship. Descriptive profiles indicated a small level of difference between high school principals related to gender in general job satisfaction with males having marginally higher levels of general job satisfaction. The more experienced principals enjoyed higher levels of general job satisfaction. In addition, it can be concluded that high school principals with the highest number of vice/assistant principals overwhelmingly had the highest level of general job satisfaction. Academic degrees made no difference in job satisfaction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Job satisfaction, Principals, Idaho
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