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Utilizing child psychologists in marketing products to children: A phenomenological study of the ethical perceptions of child psychologists

Posted on:2012-08-16Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Fail, Russell EFull Text:PDF
GTID:1457390008998073Subject:Business Administration
Research indicates that a number of child psychologists are employed by marketers to develop strategies for selling products to children. Other psychologists see children as over-commercialized and the use of child psychologists in marketing efforts constitutes a conflict of interest. Businesses that wish to maintain sound ethical practices regarding child consumers must rely on the expertise of child psychologists which appears to represent conflicting perspectives. There is little information exploring this phenomenon. A phenomenological study of the ethical perceptions of child psychologists regarding the use of child psychologists in designing marketing strategies aimed at children was presented for the purpose of contributing to the field of business ethics.
Keywords/Search Tags:Child psychologists, Marketing, Children, Phenomenological study, Ethical perceptions
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