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Social studies teachers' use of the iPad for computer assisted instruction: An examination of practice and standards support

Posted on:2014-04-11Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Mercer UniversityCandidate:Hansard, Stephen CFull Text:PDF
As social studies teachers integrate emerging technologies into instruction, there is a need to determine their perceptions of how emerging computer devices impact their instruction. A clearer picture of how teachers' perceptions relate to their instructional use of technology can be gained by analyzing their responses through the lens of individual characteristics known to affect familiar as well as emerging technology use. It is also necessary to determine how device specific instructional applications are utilized to improve instruction. Finally, it is necessary to determine the degree to which the uses of these applications align with national standards for effective social studies instruction and use of computer assisted instruction.;This multiple case study relied on individual interviews, direct observation, and video recordings of class activity to determine how middle grades social studies teachers perceived the iPad to have affected their instruction, and to determine if teachers' use of the iPad and its applications aligned with computer technology and instructional practices that support standards for social studies instruction. Data included individual interviews, video and in person observation, and instructional materials and lesson plans to determine how the iPad was being used by each participating teacher. Each teacher's use of the iPad was analyzed according to individual characteristics described in research literature and the Diffusion of Innovation theory as having an effect on teachers' adoption and use of computer technology for instructional purposes. This method was selected so that a more informed explanation of teachers' instructional use of the iPad could be provided.;Results of this study indicate that teacher commitment to their students understanding of content, their familiarity with basic functions of computer devices, and their approach to problem solving related to computer technology were the strongest determining factors in the successful implementation of a novel technology. However, an uninterrupted exchange of information between students and their teachers, and between students and their peers contributed to what one teacher referred to as "flow". It is recommended that this "flow", otherwise described as an organic type progression of information and class activities, be further explored through the lens of Hutchins (2005) Distributed Cognition theory. Also, teachers roles within the classroom shifted from that of the definitive source for student inquiry to a moderator during increasingly student directed activities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social studies, Instruction, Teachers, Computer, Ipad, Determine, Standards
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