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An analysis of the impact of second grade students' self-selection of text on their engagement, discourse, and reading strategies during guided readin

Posted on:2013-07-09Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Northern ColoradoCandidate:Gurley, Jackie LFull Text:PDF
GTID:1457390008476466Subject:Reading instruction
This study examined the impact of self-selection of text on literacy behaviors in guided reading instruction. Four second grade students were observed during guided reading instruction. Literacy behaviors were defined as engagement, oral and written discourse, and strategies used to problem-solve unknown words or breaks in comprehension. Engagement was observed through structured observation that focused on volitional control---when a student avoided distraction and remained on task and persistence---when a student remained on task despite encountering difficulty. Oral and written discourse were examined through group discussions, one-on-one discussions during informal assessments, written book responses, and focused on efferent (informational) and aesthetic (personal) responses. Strategy use was recorded through administration and analysis of running records. Students were observed nine times over eight weeks as they read both teacher-selected and self-selected texts in guided reading groups. Self-selection of books positively impacted literacy behaviors in guided reading groups. Students showed more engagement with the text, voiced deeper responses, and read with greater accuracy and higher self-correction rate. These results suggested that self-selection of text increased reader engagement, more effective use of strategies, and deeper response. Results also suggested that the parameters of what can take place in guided reading instruction can and should be expanded. Finally, results indicated the need for more flexible thinking about what constitutes text level and encourages teachers to determine a child's "instructional level," not simply based on text leveling features but by considering the transaction between reader and text.
Keywords/Search Tags:Text, Guided, Reading, Self-selection, Students, Engagement, Literacy behaviors, Strategies
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