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A case study: A thriving secondary arts program in the face of high-stakes accountability

Posted on:2014-03-22Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Southern CaliforniaCandidate:Almaguer, Priscilla EFull Text:PDF
This study applies the Conceptual Model: The Struggle for Arts Education as a representative of an array of facets that collectively improve student learning by incorporating arts education. The purpose of the study was to identify how public schools in California were able to maintain Arts education as a priority within their curriculum and instructional time; while at the same time managing other demands that have emerged from mandated accountability measures and budget constraints. The case study participants were adults (administrators, teachers, and parents). The data collection method included document reviews, survey, interviews, and observations. The data analysis followed Creswell's six step process (2003). In addition, Bolman and Deal's (2008) four frames of leadership was used in analyzing data collected. Findings from this case study indicate that all stakeholders valued and supported the arts program at Thriving Arts High school. The foundation that allowed for the school to thrive emerged from the school traditions, leadership, and a common vision. This case study represents a successful high school with strong values and commitments in attaining academic success and a strong arts program.
Keywords/Search Tags:Arts, Case study, School
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