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The high school library Web site: Scaffolding information literacy skills

Posted on:2007-02-06Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Illinois State UniversityCandidate:Jackson, Carolyn MFull Text:PDF
GTID:1457390005486882Subject:Library science
This design dissertation defines and describes an instructional problem and reports on the design, development, and testing of an online library Web site that addresses the problem.; The importance of information literacy skills---the ability of students to efficiently locate and effectively use information---has been widely accepted in the last few decades. Many students believe they are knowledgeable about using computers, but cannot demonstrate good information literacy skills. Because teachers often feel they do not have sufficient time to effectively teach such skills, and because students need help when teachers are unable to assist them, this study addresses how information literacy skills can be scaffolded through pages on a high school library Web site.; Problems students encounter while completing research projects were identified by teachers of English, English Language Learners, and Special Education students in a high school suburb of Chicago. Identified problems were separated into those that would not be addressed in the study, those that could be satisfied through links to existing Web pages, and those that would be created. Four types of scaffolding were incorporated into the design of the pages that were created: conceptual, metacognitive, procedural, and strategic. Pages for the library Web site were planned and designed to address identified needs and provide those four types of scaffolding. Staff members and students gave comments as they reviewed the pages; those comments were used in the revision process. The pages are available for general use on the library's Web site at
Keywords/Search Tags:Web site, Information literacy, High school, Pages, Skills, Scaffolding
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