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Faculty development in the university setting: Perspectives and practices

Posted on:2007-08-06Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Missouri - Saint LouisCandidate:Dickson, Verna JosephineFull Text:PDF
Using a two-stage, mixed-method strategy of inquiry that follows symbolic interactionism, this study explores professional development/faculty development (PD/FD) practices and perspectives in the university setting. Four Midwestern universities, two public and two private, provided the setting for the research.;The primary purpose of this study was to answer the question: What is the experience university professors have with professional development/faculty development (PD/FD). The literature presents many studies for K-12 and community college faculties; however, there is a need to study the topic within the university subculture. On-campus PD/FD programs offer faculty opportunities to improve and expand their teaching methodologies yet not all faculty participate.;In Phase One, 180 faculty members representing five academic ranks from various disciplines in the College of Arts and Sciences were invited to complete a Faculty Questionnaire concerning their PD/FD practice and perspectives. In Phase Two, faculty participants (n = 9), who came from a convenience sampling of Phase One participants, shared their experience during face-to-face interviews that followed a semi-structure protocol.;Although the initial response rate was 36% with 54 participants, only 32 surveys, 21.3% of the total mailing, met the delimitations. Additionally, 22% reported that they do not currently participate in on-campus PD/FD programs because they either do not believe the programs meet their needs or they believe the programs are elementary in nature.;The results of this study are in agreement with the literature reviewed. Using inductive thematic analysis, PD/FD experiences may be classified along a time continuum from the developing faculty member's Teaching Assistant (TA) experience, where critical self-reflection and commitment to teaching develop, to the senior professor, where obtaining tenure and promotions take precedence.;There are three main areas of perceived learning needs: research, pedagogy, and administrative-functions-related topics. With regard to pedagogy, for change to occur in the classroom from PD/FD programs three conditions are primary: positive role models from faculty, supervisors, or mentors; openness to change; and feedback or social interactions with students, other faculty, and administrators. One's self-directed learning practices and personal philosophy also contribute to faculties' attitude and participation in PD/FD. Recommendations for further studies are suggested.
Keywords/Search Tags:PD/FD, Faculty, Development, University, Setting, Perspectives
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