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Equality Saturation: Engineering Challenges and Applications

Posted on:2012-12-19Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of California, San DiegoCandidate:Stepp, Michael BenjaminFull Text:PDF
GTID:1456390011952331Subject:Computer Science
In this dissertation, I describe the Peggy system for performing program optimization and translation validation. Peggy is based on the concept of Equality Saturation, in which axiomatic reasoning is applied to a program to produce exponentially many equivalent versions of that program, which can then be explored simultaneously. This is achieved by using a custom intermediate representation that facilitates mathematical reasoning over programs. I will specifically address some of the engineering challenges posed by making a working implementation of the Equality Saturation technique, as well as the major applications to which we have applied it. I implemented front-ends for Peggy to convert both Java bytecode programs and LLVM programs to and from our custom intermediate representation. I designed and implemented a domain-specific language for writing the axioms that are used by the Equality Saturation engine. For the purposes of optimization, I designed the technique whereby we choose the optimal program from our representation of exponentially many equivalent programs.;I implemented both our optimization and our translation validation frameworks that use the Equality Saturation engine. In addition, I performed experiments showing the effectiveness of Equality Saturation at both program optimization and translation validation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Equality saturation, Translation validation, Program, Optimization
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