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'The two shall become one flesh': The same-sex marriage debate in mainline Christianity (New York)

Posted on:2004-12-01Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:State University of New York at BinghamtonCandidate:Sullivan-Blum, Constance RoseFull Text:PDF
Same-sex marriage is the site of a vitriolic debate in mainline Christian denominations in the United States. Mainline Christian denominations bring together liberal, evangelical and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) Christians who employ disparate discourses that are usually examined in isolation. Focusing on a small, post-industrial city in upstate New York and weaving together participant-observation in local churches with sixty-four interviews of lay people and clergy, this work examines the symbolic import of same-sex marriage.; Through a complex mix of evolving economies, the changing status of women and the shifting epistemological underpinnings of theology, the American mainline began debating the legitimacy of same-sex marriage in the mid 20th century. Currently, same-sex marriage is understood as challenging the ontological constructions of traditional Christian gender expectations. Since it symbolizes such a fundamental concern, stances toward it are a means to re-establish the relevance of mainline Christianity to broader ethical and moral discourses in the U.S. Supporting same-sex marriage is a means for liberal Christians to indicate the inclusiveness of the gospel and the Christian impetus for social justice. Evangelicals, on the other hand, report that same-sex marriage is indicative of the eroding epistemological privilege granted to scriptural revelation and is hence a marker of how far the Church has strayed from its mission. For LGBT Christians, same-sex marriage provides access to a ritual that has the potential to legitimate the conjunction of one's sexual and spiritual identities. It is also, however, a catalyst for new and innovative ways to talk about sexual relationships in a Christian context. Advocating for same-sex marriage is not a simple and straightforward attempt to legitimize LGBT relationships through normalizing them. It is also an avenue for both LGBT and liberal Christians to re-examine the relevance and applicability of marriage and monogamy to Christian sexual ethics.; Same-sex marriage, therefore, has the potential to cause schism within established mainline denominations. That power reflects the multivocality of marriage in symbol, ritual and myth. Same-sex marriage, like no other issue in contemporary Christian life, illuminates the nuances and ramifications of the deepening polarization in American Christianity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Same-sex marriage, Christian, Mainline, New, LGBT
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