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A clash of ideologies: Marxism, liberation theology and apocalypticism in New Testament studies

Posted on:2006-02-25Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of ChicagoCandidate:Reed, Randall WFull Text:PDF
In New Testament studies a variety of social science methods have been brought to bear on New Testament texts. One of the most popular approaches has been Marxism. A survey of the appropriation of Marxism in New Testament studies has found two commonalities: The reference to Liberation Theology and the focus on apocalyptic texts. This dissertation seeks to explore this theoretical intersection of theology, text and theory.;My dissertation begins by arguing that these three disparate ideologies have their own presuppositions, methods and strategies. It further shows that these approaches are ultimately incompatible with one another. The critical appraisal of religion cannot be squared with the theistic views of Liberation Theology nor apocalypticism. Likewise the emphasis on human action found in both Marxism and Liberation Theology is at odds with the exclusively divine action of apocalypticism.;Having laid this groundwork, this dissertation carefully examines New Testament interpreters who have engaged in Marxist analysis of the texts. Looking at early interpreters who most often where not New Testament scholars, I trace their attempts to integrate Marxism and Liberation Theology with apocalyptic texts. What results is a series of logical and textual incongruities that ultimately show the irreconcilable nature of these three ideologies.;Moving then to the work of Richard Horsley, a prominent New Testament scholar, I show again the advent of a similar problem. However, in Horsley I trace the coming to prominence of Liberation Theology as a master discourse that then controls the use of Marxist theory and the reading of the text.;Finally, I look at the more post-modern work of "Ideology Critics" and particularly the work of Tina Pippin. Once again, I show that the resolution of the various contradictions occurs by subjugating two of the ideologies (Liberation Theology and Apocalypticism) to one of the others (Marxism). Here the Marxist critique of religion begins to be taken seriously and the Biblical text itself becomes an obstacle to liberation.
Keywords/Search Tags:New testament, Liberation, Marxism, Ideologies, Apocalypticism, Text
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