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United States of America v. IBP Inc.: Assessing social control in a grassroots conflict (Nebraska)

Posted on:2006-10-19Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Nebraska - LincolnCandidate:Mauney, Teelyn TracyFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this research is to increase our knowledge of the process of community group conflict and control of a large corporation. Specifically, I use a case study method to examine a conflict between a voluntary association in the Midwest, known as Citizens Promoting Environmental Stewardship, and IBP (previously known as Iowa Beef Packers and as of 2000 a part of Tyson Foods). Though the conflict began officially with concerns about water quality, the poor air quality in Dakota City and South Sioux City, Nebraska soon took center stage. I use the conceptual framework of Donald Black (1976), specifically his model of social control and conflict resolution, in order to understand the partial victory of the group Citizens Promoting Environmental Stewardship. The results of this study both confirm earlier studies of community-group-level resistance to corporations and suggest areas for further research development. Of particular significance, is the decrease in IBP's reputation status, and Citizens Promoting Environmental Stewardship's increase in social networks.
Keywords/Search Tags:Conflict, Citizens promoting environmental, Social
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