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Service Learning Partnerships between High Schools and Community Agencies

Posted on:2014-06-27Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Walden UniversityCandidate:Wolfe, MargoFull Text:PDF
In order for service learning programs to be effective, strong partnerships between teachers and community agencies must be established. However, little research exists about how these partnerships develop and function. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to describe the lived experiences of teachers and community agency personnel who develop and implement service learning programs for high school students. The research questions addressed how these partnerships impacted the development and implementation of service learning programs. The conceptual framework was based on Dewey's theory of experiential and democratic education and Wood and Gray's framework of multiple group collaboration. Data were collected from individual interviews with 5 teachers and 5 community partners, and data analysis was based on a modification of the Van Kaam method of analysis. Results showed that service learning partnerships were effective if partners built a strong personal relationship with each other, shared common goals, and engaged in reflection about the program. The individual traits of the partnerships impacted their sustainability and resulted in significant improvements to their programs. This study contributes to social change by developing an understanding of how individuals in service learning partnerships, both educators and community agency personnel, work together to improve the development and implementation of their programs in order to strengthen service to the community and its students.
Keywords/Search Tags:Service, Community, Partnerships
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