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A critical discourse analysis of individualist assumptions in discourse on race in America

Posted on:2004-12-23Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Howard UniversityCandidate:Tierney, Sean MFull Text:PDF
Individualism is one of the philosophical and psychological products of the Enlightenment. It is one of the foundational orientations of Western thought as well as American character. It is present in everyday discourse in the form of assumptions as well as in the form of psychological, social and political positions.;As a discoursal assumption, individualism informs and reinforces Western discourse in general and American discourse in particular. Individualism's emphasis on individual rights, that are grounded in property rights, have had and continue to have a distinct influence on the development and maintenance of dominant discoursal positions. Because of individualism's grounding in dualistic thought, it is not only oppositional but antagonistic to collectivism as both a discoursal position and sociopolitical orientation.;Individualism functions ideologically as an explanatory framework and point of reference that explains both past and current conditions. Because of its ideologically dominant position, individualism has acquired a naturalized, accepted, 'common-sense' status.;The present study seeks to particularize individualism and place it within its social, historical and political context. In so doing, the interrelationship between individualism and capitalism, as well as individualism's role in past and present imperialist projects, will be made clear. The study will be conducted using Fairclough's (1989) Critical Discourse Analysis and will analyze the individualist assumptions at work in the discourse on race in America. The texts that come under direct scrutiny are those in which individualist assumptions are most prominent. The analysis is prefaced by a history of the development and implementation of individualist thought. Following the analysis, the implications of the study are examined to specifically address the global consequences of individualist assumptions in discourse.
Keywords/Search Tags:Individualist assumptions, Discourse, Individualism
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