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Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra: An historical perspective of the organization

Posted on:2012-11-04Degree:D.M.AType:Dissertation
University:The University of OklahomaCandidate:Pham, Danh TFull Text:PDF
The Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra is a renowned professional wind band founded in 1960 under the aegis of the Buddhist organization Rissho Kosei-kai. Originally named the Tokyo Symphonic Band, the group was renamed in 1973 to reflect its growth in concert activity. As one of the world's leading professional wind ensembles, its rise to international prominence is a direct result of Western artistry, political influence, and musical direction. This Western thread of influence can be felt in three specific areas: history, religion, and artistry.;This dissertation traces the history of the Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra from its earliest roots with the introduction of wind instruments to Japan in the sixteenth century, and explores the Rissho Kosei-kai Buddhist organization, its membership and worship practices since the end of World War II. Additionally, the dissertation describes the dual purpose of the Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra, performing both as an ensemble in religious services for their Buddhist sect and on the concert stage featuring some of the finest wind and percussion performers in Japan. Finally, a description of Frederick Fennell's tenure as Music Director and various other guest conductors will substantiate the importance of Westerners in professionalizing the Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra through repertoire selection, international concert tours, and recording since the 1980s. This portion of the study includes rehearsal observations, conductor interviews, and subscription concert catalogues of one of the world's leading professional wind ensembles whose rich history encompasses centuries of band and religious activity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tokyo kosei wind orchestra, Band
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