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Individual psychology and the psychology of religion and spirituality: A content analysis of published articles

Posted on:2012-08-15Degree:Psy.DType:Dissertation
University:Adler School of Professional PsychologyCandidate:Rosen, MarniFull Text:PDF
The branch of study, the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, is filled with theoretical, practical, and empirical publications on the connection between religion, spirituality, and the psyche. In the accumulation of published thought, this dissertation has sought to investigate and highlight the contribution of Individual Psychology while simultaneously critically reflecting on the theory's limitations and weaknesses.;In this study, a thorough literature search has been conducted of published articles that combine Individual Psychology with identified keywords of religion and spirituality. The resulting online database and library search retrieving 180 articles that matched the criteria of Psychology of Religion and Spirituality and Individual Psychology literature were analyzed using a content analysis. The content analysis was preformed with a modified version of Capps, Ransohoff & Rambo (1976) coding form and interrater reliability testing.;The results demonstrated that Individual Psychology and Psychology of Religion and Spirituality articles have been published across 23 journals with the overwhelmingly majority published in exclusive Individual Psychology journals versus non-Individual Psychology Journals (n = 155 journals and n = 25). The historical review of publications by decade has shown an increased emphasis in Religion and Spirituality publications overall and specifically during decade periods of increased interest in the greater psychological community.;The content analysis demonstrated that the most prominent topics addressed in the 180 articles are the categories of Dispositional, the area of theoretical understanding of religion (n = 179) and Directional, the application of religion and spirituality in therapeutic practice (n = 143). Uncharacteristic of the Individual Psychology literature, the Social dimension only appeared in 44 articles (10.50%) of the 180.;The study reflects that Individual Psychology in some ways has remained insular and committed to its values and in others influenced by the greater community. The content analysis presents intriguing data to the emphasis of Individual Psychology's publication trends in the areas of the theoretical understanding of religion, spirituality, and the psyche (depth psychology) and the practical application religious and spiritual interventions (teleological approach) of Individual Psychology rather than the social dimension most closely associated with social interest.;An important limitation of the study is that the interrater reliability did not produce significant results. The moderate reliability indicates that the topic contents represent the categorical understanding of this author and should be further explored and reflected upon in future research. With the goals of the study being investigation and examination of Individual Psychology's contribution to the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, further and more in depth study is welcomed and encouraged.
Keywords/Search Tags:Psychology, Religion and spirituality, Content analysis, Articles, Published
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