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The cultural presentation of Lafcadio Hearn's stories of Japan: A transnational study

Posted on:2005-04-04Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Bowling Green State UniversityCandidate:Inuzuka, AkoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1455390008997324Subject:Speech communication
This dissertation discusses the cultural presentation of Lafcadio Hearn in different societies at different times, in fascist Japan, in contemporary Japan, and in the West in the early twentieth century. By examining the ways in which Hearn has been presented in different societies, the dissertation explores how ideology and politics have played a role in interpreting the life of Hearn.;The dissertation, first, analyzes some of Hearn's stories, his ghost stories and his stories about the underdogs in society, applying the "rhetoric of fiction" suggested by Wayne Booth (1961). The dissertation, second, examines the cultural presentation of Hearn during the fascist period in Japan. Here the notion of "sociological" propaganda (Ellul, 1968) is used. The dissertation, third, analyzes the cultural presentation of Hearn in contemporary Japan. For this analysis, Ellul's sociological propaganda (1968), Sproule's discussion about textbook propaganda (1994), and Shor's criticism of conservative ideological restoration in education (1986) are adopted. Finally the dissertation explores the cultural presentation of Hearn in the West in the early twentieth century. The notion of "Orientalism" suggested by Said (1978) is applied to this analysis.;The dissertation came to the following findings. First, Hearn was presented as a Japanese loyal nationalist during the fascist era in Japan. The ideologies of nationalism and militarism influenced this cultural presentation of Hearn. Second, Hearn has been presented in contemporary Japan as an apolitical anthropologist of the picturesque/ghostliness. The ideologies of nationalism and patriotism have again contributed to this presentation of Hearn. However, because of the negative connotations that the ideologies of nationalism and patriotism entail, these ideologies have been promoted and maintained in an implicit way. Finally, Hearn was presented both as a Western Orietalist and as a non-Westerner in the West at the turn of the twentieth century. Imperialistic and colonialist ideologies played a role in presenting Hearn in this way.;This dissertation provides more in-depth understandings of Hearn, reflecting upon the contexts of history and politics in which Hearn's works have been read.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hearn, Cultural presentation, Japan, Dissertation, Stories
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