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A survey of Ding Shan-De's piano works (China)

Posted on:2005-02-21Degree:D.M.AType:Dissertation
University:University of HoustonCandidate:You, Liang-YunFull Text:PDF
Ding Shan-De (1911--1995), the foremost Chinese composer of the twentieth century, established a unique musical style combining Chinese folk materials with Western compositional practices. As a pianist, educator, musical activist, and composer he is recognized today as a pioneer who set standards for Chinese composers of later generations.; This dissertation is divided into four chapters, each representing a distinct period of Ding's life and the representative piano compositions in chronological order: Early, Transitional, Mature, and Late. A stylistic analysis of these works will demonstrate how various major influences affected the development of his musical style through each period.; Chapter One concentrates on Ding's early musical career as a performer and two of his piano compositions influenced by the romanticism: The Spring Trip Suite and Sonata in E Major, Op. 2.; Ding's transitional period, while he studied at the Paris Conservatory from 1947--1949, is discussed in Chapter Two. The exposure of late nineteenth/early twentieth century French music influenced Ding's Three Preludes for Piano, Op. 3 and Variations on a Chinese Folk-song, Op. 4.; The third chapter focuses on the mature period of Ding's life and music upon his return to China. His compositions Children's Suite---Merry Holidays, Op. 11, two Xinjiang Dances, Op. 6 and Op. 12, and Toccata, Op. 13 are representative of this period.; Chapter Four is a study of his late period during which political turmoil would sidetrack his musical career. The combination of his own native idioms with Western atonal methods led him to compose works such as the Four Little Preludes and Fugues, Op. 29.; This research, based on periodicals and archives from the Shanghai Conservatory and the Central Conservatory, will provide an overview for Ding Shan-De's contributions to the piano repertoire.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ding, Piano, Musical, Works, Chinese
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