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Improvising Close Relationships: A Relational Perspective on Vulnerability

Posted on:2017-10-16Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of South FloridaCandidate:Riggs, Nicholas AFull Text:PDF
In this dissertation, I study the way couples improvise relationships together. I define improvisation as a kind of performance that leads to an interpretive practice where people develop the meanings of their relationships as they perform. Participating in a performance ethnography, my romantic partner, myself, and three other couples reflect on the way we perform together on stage. Adapting the popular improv performance format "Armando" and utilizing post-performance focus groups, I observe how the couples strive to make meaning together and negotiate a joint-perspective about how they played. Ultimately, I argue that attending to the way a couple improvises their relationship off stage can provide key insights into the communication patterns that allow them to share vulnerable experiences and grow close. In the end, I discuss ways that improv techniques and philosophies have informed and guided my own romantic relationship.
Keywords/Search Tags:Relationships, Way
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