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Thomas Mann's 'Doktor Faustus' in the light of 'Die Betrachtungen eines Unpolitischen'

Posted on:2006-03-19Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Lee, Frances Ann RayFull Text:PDF
This study illustrates, through a detailed application to the text of Doktor Faustus of the basic arguments expressed by Mann in Die Betrachtungen eines Unpolitischen and of the controversy that developed almost immediately in academic circles over its significance and relevance to politics, that it is possible to read the novel in an entirely new interpretation that varies radically from the usual reading. This approach clarifies many of the problems that have been identified by critics as flaws in the construction of the novel and also points to new directions for further study. The purpose of the study is essentially to establish what is actually happening in the novel in its historical setting, rather than to explore the various arguments in detail.
Keywords/Search Tags:Betrachtungen eines
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