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Facilitating Learning for Prekindergarten English Language Learners

Posted on:2014-07-05Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Walden UniversityCandidate:Kelly, Camille AFull Text:PDF
Prekindergarten teachers in the Piedmont region of the eastern United States experience instructional challenges related to large numbers of English language learners (ELLs) in their classrooms. Although there has been research on strategies for supporting ELLs at the elementary, middle, and high school levels, there has been minimal research on strategies for teaching prekindergarten ELLs. Therefore, the research question that guided this case study focused on how prekindergarten teachers facilitate learning for ELLs within their classrooms. Subquestions explored specific instructional strategies as well as the application of strategies within the classroom. This study was guided by the sociocultural theory of Vygotsky, who posited that children learn best when they are able to interact with more adept persons and when the impact of their culture is taken into consideration. Data were gathered on 3 classrooms in the Piedmont region through observations, interviews, and document examination. The data were scrutinized using within-case and cross-case analysis using open and axial coding. The findings indicated that teachers who vary their teaching practices, who work toward building a meaningful relationship with students, and who recognize the value of diversity within their classrooms are exhibiting best practices when facilitating learning for ELLs. This study contributes to positive social change in that kindergarten teachers who apply the findings to the development of practices within their own classrooms and to collaboration with peers may have a positive impact on the learning experience for ELLs. In turn, administrators, decision makers, and other stakeholders in education may be led to design or select curriculum that is more culturally responsive beginning with prekindergarten.
Keywords/Search Tags:Prekindergarten, Teachers
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