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Neither mystic nor Muentzerite: The conversational theology of Hans Denck

Posted on:2013-02-26Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Southwestern Baptist Theological SeminaryCandidate:Schowalter, RalfFull Text:PDF
This dissertation argues that Hans Denck's concept of theology and Christian life does not primarily depend on medieval mysticism and on the thought of Thomas Müntzer. Instead, Denck pursues conversational theology in discussion with various theological-theoretical traditions and religious phenomena of his times.;Chapter one reviews the scholarly literature on South German Anabaptism and Hans Denck and shows a need to challenge assessments on the theology of Hans Denck which have become a commonplace since the 1970s.;Chapter two presents the historical context and relevant biographical data of Hans Denck, a necessary precondition for an understanding of his written works.;Chapter three concentrates on the refutation of inadequate assumptions concerning Denck's dependence on medieval mysticism. A reading of relevant primary sources is a fundamental first step. Complemented by a reading of secondary sources, the achieved definition of mysticism will be applied to the works of Denck.;Chapter four challenges the assumption that Denck is strongly influenced by Thomas Müntzer. While considering Müntzer's and Denck's biographies, the focus is on a comparison of their extant written works.;Because essential elements of the prevalent picture of Denck in scholarly literature have been called into question throughout the preceding chapters, chapter five will try to offer a new approach: An inductive study of Denck's works read in their chronological order, following an approach of conversational theology presented by Malcolm B. Yarnell III., reveals new insight into Denck's theology. In consequence, a reading of Denck's works from a believer's church perspective is needed for an adequate understanding and assessment of his works.;A conclusion summarizes the findings of the present study and offers suggestions for further research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Denck, Theology, Works
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