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A collective case study observing the print and online comprehension of four second graders

Posted on:2013-02-02Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Fordham UniversityCandidate:Steffens, Cortney LynFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was to provide baseline information regarding the comprehension processes second graders use when reading informational text in print and online form. The study focused on informational text found in print, in closed hypertext Web sites, and during open Internet searches because academic success depends on the quick retrieval of information in both informational print and online text. This collective case study found that second graders used a variety of comprehension strategies in all three reading contexts. Although there were similarities in strategy usage across all three reading contexts, there were important differences between reading print text and text encountered during open Internet searching that relate to realizing and constructing potential texts to read. Based on the study's findings it is recommended that comprehension instruction with informational print and online text begin in the primary grades to improve strategy use and efficiency in locating information in those texts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Online, Comprehension, Second, Text, Information, Reading
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