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The differences in leadership and followership styles between China and the U.S.: A cross cultural comparison

Posted on:2014-07-13Degree:D.B.AType:Dissertation
University:University of PhoenixCandidate:Chen, WilsonFull Text:PDF
GTID:1455390008458897Subject:Business Administration
The purpose of this quantitative correlation study compared and analyzed the differences of leadership and followership between China and The U.S. This study was intended to contribute the leadership knowledge found in China to global leaders and offered new ways of understanding for global leaders to apply their leadership skills in China. The instruments used for this study was a 360-degree TLP that compared transactional leadership styles included Capable Management and Reward Equity; transformational leadership behaviors included communication, credible, caring, creative; and transformational leadership characteristics included confidence, follower-centered, visionary, and Culture-Building. And, a 180-degree PRQ compared performance initiatives and relationship initiatives. The participants consisted of 100 leaders and 100 followers respectively from eight different local Chinese organizations. This quantitative correlation research study was to explore the differences in Chinese and Western leadership and followership to help each other's country to grow and prosper. The recommendation helped U.S. leaders, Chinese leaders, U.S. followers, and Chinese followers to work collaboratively and effectively in multicultural working environment. This study had a great deal of influence on both Western and Chinese leaders to lead different cultural followers and on Western and Chinese followers to work for different cultural leaders in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Leaders, China, Followers, Cultural, Chinese
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