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Analyse de deux interventions didactiques portant sur les connaissances spatiales aupres de trois profils d'eleves du secondaire (French text)

Posted on:2006-11-10Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Universite de Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Marchand, PatriciaFull Text:PDF
In Quebec, Canada, the geometric knowledge represents an important part of the mathematic curriculum of elementary and secondary schools. The spatial representation seems to have a important role in the learning of mathematics. So, according to the research showing that the spatial sense does involve difficulty for pupils and the fact that this knowledge takes a important place in the elementary and secondary mathematics studies, our study's goal is to experiment two kinds of approach on spatial sense learning. It is considered as a qualitative and explorational study involving approximately sixty pupils of fourteen and fifteen years old. This research rests on the work of Piaget for whom the action is the starting point of all learning, including abstract knowledge. Both, the concert and abstract (mental) actions are playing a central part in this learning, so it will, therefore, be considered in the approach favoured in our study. Thus, we will be able to characterize the learning of each profile of pupils (advance, music or sport) and the influence of each approach (the teaching with action or not) by standing out the similar and divergent aspects of each other.
Keywords/Search Tags:Spatial
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