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Fahr al-Din al-Razi (d. 606/1210): Philosopher and theologian as exegete

Posted on:2006-06-20Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Yale UniversityCandidate:Jaffer, TariqFull Text:PDF
This dissertation focuses on the theological, philosophical, and mystical aspects of Fahr al-Din al-Razi's (d. 1210) thought as evidenced in his encyclopedic "Great Commentary on the Qur'an." It explores Razi's use of innovative methods of "excursive" and "symbolic" exegesis to introduce theological, philosophical, mystical and scientific material into the genre of Qur'anic commentary. In examining the theological aspects of the commentary, it analyses Razi's debates with the principal theological camps, including Mu`tazilite, Karramites, Maturidites, and H&dotbelow;anbalites. In examining the commentary's philosophical and mystical aspects, it analyses Razi's psychology through a study of the concepts spirit (ruh&dotbelow;), soul (nafs), intellect (`aql), and heart (qalb), and their role within his cosmology.
Keywords/Search Tags:Theological
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