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The rise of Islamism among the sedentary Fulbe of northern Cameroon: Implications for theological responses

Posted on:2007-01-02Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Intercultural StudiesCandidate:Bongoyok, MoussaFull Text:PDF
This research examines the root causes of Islamism among the sedentary Fulbe of Northern Cameroon. The study attempts to draw the implications for the development of contextual theological responses to Islamism.;The author begins with issues pertaining to the related theoretical framework and methodology. The most notable model for the study of Islamism seems to be the Dekmejian/Voll/Woodberry theory.;Islamism is a worldwide phenomenon. Almost all African Islamist movements and organizations have networks with people or organizations in Asia and other continents. The study of Islamism in Cameroon does not ignore the global context. Since the focus is on the Fulbe ethnic group, the study examines their culture and worldview in order to better understand the impact of Islamism. Pulaaku is at the center of Fulbe culture and worldview and it has three key aspects: wisdom, patience, and reserve. Interestingly enough, cattle are also essential to the Fulbe worldview. However, if the nomadic Fulbe place the highest value on their cattle, the sedentary Fulbe culture revolves around Islam.;Islamism, as it manifests itself in northern Cameroon, has been established through various means and a diverse team of change agents. As a result, key aspects of Fulbe culture and worldview have been impacted. The causes of the rise of Islamism are multidimensional and in accordance with the Dekmejian/Voll/Woodberry theory. Islamism is growing in Cameroon. This phenomenon, at least at a theoretical level, requires contextual theological responses that address the root causes of Islamism and meet the felt needs of the population in the light of the Holy Scriptures.;In the final part of the study, the author draws implications and makes recommendations that may help to move from theory to practice. In the current world where Islamism is one of the major social and religious influences, this study presents principles that are of interest to theologians and non-theologians worldwide.
Keywords/Search Tags:Islamism, Fulbe, Northern cameroon, Theological, Implications
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