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An Exploration of Challenges Facing Muslim Americans' Advancement to Leadership in the Legal Field

Posted on:2014-06-14Degree:D.MType:Dissertation
University:University of PhoenixCandidate:Kadi, Ali SFull Text:PDF
GTID:1455390005498333Subject:Business Administration
The purpose of the qualitative exploratory case study was to explore and identify obstacles Muslim Americans in the United States working within the legal field experienced in advancing to leadership positions and the influence of mentoring. The two cases included 10 Muslim Americans in leadership positions and 10 in nonleadership positions in the legal field in Northern Virginia and Washington, DC. Data were collected through structured and semistructured interviews, observations, and field notes. Themes and patterns were analyzed within and across data sources and cases for convergence, divergence, and triangulation. The results indicated discrimination and the lack of opportunities, training, mentoring programs, support and guidance, and influential leaders hindered participants’ advancement to leadership positions, answering the central research question. Results for the research subquestions revealed common major barriers of the lack of opportunity, social support, and understanding. The support and guidance of a mentor and degree attainment contributed to advancement. Mentoring was particularly influential and important. Leaders and nonleaders experienced similar obstacles to and supports for advancement. Lack of leadership experience was a barrier for nonleaders. The findings confirmed current literature on negative attitudes Muslim Americans face working and living in the United States following the September 11, 2001 attacks. Legal leaders should increase opportunities for Muslim Americans. Muslim American advocacy groups should continuously assess and address Muslim American law students’ needs. Muslim Americans and other leaders should provide opportunities for additional experience, training, and education. Further research should extend the findings beyond these cases and the geographic location.
Keywords/Search Tags:Muslim americans, Leadership, Advancement, Legal, Field
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