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Comparative anatomy of the biomedical model and family systems: A new way of thinking and its convergence to Taoism

Posted on:2006-02-07Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Louisiana at MonroeCandidate:Wong, Si-Pui PearlFull Text:PDF
The intent of this treatise is to converge two important ways of thinking, the western conception of medicine and the family system theory orientation. The proposed convergence will be accomplished by interweaving the eastern philosophy, Taoism.; The two ideologies in the helping profession regarding whether one treats the biophysical body or the relationships in context relay division of yin and yang elements. While the biomedical model focuses on the physical processes, such as the pathology, the biochemistry, and the physiology of a disease through the separation of the body from the mind, the family systems orientation takes into account the context of a relationship where each individual influences the other and where both are mutually causing and affecting each other's behavior. These key views bring to forefront the predicament of the helping profession. In providing therapy, does a professional focus on physical ailments or rather the context in which individuals contain the ailments? Although there have been steadfast movements to work in partnership, the views shared by both disciplines have long dissipated with the urgency of finding miracle drugs at the forefront. Such urgency has divided the disciplines and created boundaries between medical care and psychotherapy.; The Tao connection between the biomedical model and family systems therapy has been given little attention in the marriage and family therapy literature. With few exceptions, the Tao connection has not been critically explored as a unit of analysis. Under the blanket of Taoism, the joint venture allows differences, yet configures the benefits of each discipline as a whole, while keeping their distinctive qualities. Therefore, utilizing the Tao to liaison the yin and yang elements of the two ways of thinking was employed to gain knowledge and plausibly a connection with each distinct discipline while not overlooking their differences. This paper seeks to find balance and harmony in converging the dual ways of thinking under the framework of Taoism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Thinking, Biomedical model, Family systems, Taoism, Ways
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