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A phenomenological study of trainers in the Dependable Strengths Articulation Process workshop

Posted on:2006-09-26Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Seattle UniversityCandidate:Rempfer, Penny JaneFull Text:PDF
This phenomenological dissertation sought to discover and examine the psychological meanings of teachers, counselors and administrators who participated in the Dependable Strengths Training Workshop (DSTW). The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of eight participants as they engaged in the Dependable Strengths Articulation Process (DSAP). The study also explored the experiences of the participants as they learned how to teach the DSAP to others. Dependable Strengths are self-reported strengths based on the perceptions of participants as they evaluate experiences that they feel they do well, are proud of and enjoy doing. A phenomenological research methodology was chosen because of the desire to study the perceptions of participants as they relate to their experiences during the DSTW. Qualitative data were gathered and analyzed from the eight participants' concrete descriptions gathered in open-ended in-depth interviews, workshop observations, questionnaires administered after the first half of the workshop and at the conclusion of the workshop. Findings of this study indicate that the DSAP is a very effective experiential process for validating and affirming constructions of self-concepts. The sequential process of using Good Experiences as a basis for articulating Dependable Strengths works very well. All eight participants felt validated and affirmed by the articulation process which involved sharing in teams called Quads and also Project-for Excellence. Five participants expressed that they learned something new about themselves and three participants felt they already knew their strengths. All eight participants expressed that they believed everyone should go through this process. The findings of this study add credibility to the existing research on the Dependable Strengths Articulation Process. These findings have positive implications in the areas of career counseling, positive psychology, leadership development and organizational development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Articulation process, Phenomenological, Workshop, Participants
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