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Children's Aural and Kinesthetic Understanding of Rhythm: Developing an Instructional Model

Posted on:2014-03-05Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of RochesterCandidate:Foley, Adam DFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was to develop a deeper understanding of aural and kinesthetic rhythm skill development in elementary school-age children. In this study, I examined my curriculum model for rhythm understanding, which included creating and implementing assessments of movement skills in meter and rhythm. The research questions were: 1. What are the fundamental elements of instruction for development of aural and kinesthetic rhythm understanding in elementary school-age children? 2. What are the assessment tools needed to measure the development of aural and kinesthetic rhythm understanding in elementary school-age children? and 3. What relationships, if any, exist among meter-movement skills, rhythm-movement skills, rhythm aptitude, and reading accuracy?;Sixty-one subjects from four intact third-grade classes in a suburban school district participated in this study. All participants received 20–25 minutes of whole-body meter, expressive, and rhythm-movement instruction for a period of approximately 32 weeks. Students also received instruction in audiation and rhythm literacy through repertoire and audiation-based rhythm pattern activities. The research framework most closely resembled Creswell and Plano Clark’s (2007) concurrent embedded mixed method design. I gathered data from field notes and video recordings, and carefully constructed measurement tools to assess meter- and rhythm-movement skills in duple and triple along with rhythm reading accuracy in both duple and triple. I also administered the rhythm portion of a standardized test of developmental aptitude.;Based on analysis of data gathered in this study, I concluded that third-grade students can develop whole-body meter-movement, meter discrimination, fundamental rhythm movement, and rhythm reading skills in duple and triple. Analysis also revealed that assessment procedures and rating scales used in this study are appropriate tools for measuring student achievement and that meter- and rhythm-movement skills and rhythm reading skills are significantly related (p ≤ .05). I offer recommendations for rhythm movement, meter movement, rhythm reading, assessment procedures, and meter discrimination. The data I present in this study provide evidence to support my model for developing rhythm understanding, including instruction, embedded assessment, and student progress.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rhythm, Understanding, Aural and kinesthetic, Instruction, Elementary school-age children, Assessment
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