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Dueling perceptions: British and Egyptian interactions, 1882--1919

Posted on:2008-04-25Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Texas at AustinCandidate:Abi-Hamad, Saad GhaziFull Text:PDF
This study is an attempt to ascertain the degree to which occupied and occupier can truly understand each other. The focus is Egypt between 1882 and 1919. This work attempts to ascertain how a whole host of Egyptians of various outlooks perceived the British Empire that had recently occupied their country. It investigates the perceptions that each of these factions held of the British. Then, it looks into just how well those very same British occupiers understood the Egyptians they ruled. More specifically, the British perceptions of the prominent Egyptians with whom they either had to share some power or wished to exclude from power altogether.
Keywords/Search Tags:British, Perceptions
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