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Reflectance and fluorescence spectroscopies in photodynamic therapy

Posted on:2005-06-15Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of RochesterCandidate:Finlay, Jarod CFull Text:PDF
In vivo fluorescence spectroscopy during photodynamic therapy (PDT) has the potential to provide information on the distribution and degradation of sensitizers, the formation of fluorescent photoproducts and changes in tissue autofluorescence induced by photodynamic treatment. Reflectance spectroscopy allows quantification of light absorption and scattering in tissue. We present the results of several related studies of fluorescence and reflectance spectroscopy and their applications to photodynamic dosimetry.; First, we develop and test an empirical method for the correction of the distortions imposed on fluorescence spectra by absorption and scattering in turbid media. We characterize the irradiance dependence of the in vivo photobleaching of three sensitizers, protoporphyrin IX (PpIX), Photofrin and mTHPC, in a rat skin model. The photobleaching and photoproduct formation of PpIX exhibit irradiance dependence consistent with singlet oxygen (1O2)-mediated bleaching. The bleaching of mTHPC occurs in two phases, only one of which is consistent with a 1O 2-mediated mechanism. Photofrin's bleaching is independent of irradiance, although its photoproduct formation is not. This can be explained by a mixed-mechanism bleaching model.; Second, we develop an algorithm for the determination of tissue optical properties using diffuse reflectance spectra measured at a single source-detector separation and demonstrate the recovery of the hemoglobin oxygen dissociation curve from tissue-simulating phantoms containing human erythrocytes. This method is then used to investigate the heterogeneity of oxygenation response in murine tumors induced by carbogen inhalation. We find that while the response varies among animals and within each tumor, the majority of tumors exhibit an increase in blood oxygenation during carbogen breathing.; We present a forward-adjoint model of fluorescence propagation that uses the optical property information acquired from reflectance spectroscopy to obtain the undistorted fluorescence spectrum over a wide range of optical properties. Finally, we investigate the ability of the forward-adjoint theory to extract undistorted fluorescence and optical property information simultaneously from a single measured fluorescence spectrum. This method can recover the hemoglobin oxygen dissociation curve in tissue-simulating phantoms with an accuracy comparable to that of reflectance-based methods while correcting distortions in the fluorescence over a wide range of absorption and scattering coefficients.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fluorescence, Reflectance, Photodynamic, Absorption and scattering, Spectroscopy
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