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The Diversity Dilemma: A National Study of Minorities in Dental Hygiene Programs

Posted on:2013-01-11Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Wilmington University (Delaware)Candidate:Moore, Tracye AFull Text:PDF
GTID:1454390008972792Subject:Health Sciences
Given the predicted shortages of minority dental healthcare providers in the United States and the expanding diversity of the general population, it is important to recruit and retain an ethnically and culturally diverse allied dental workforce. The objectives of this study were to explore why the profession of dental hygiene exhibits minimal diversity among students and teachers within academia. This study sought to describe the demographic diversity among dental hygiene faculty and student populations of dental hygiene programs in the United States; examine existing diversity initiatives of dental hygiene schools and the impact of 2010 Health Care Reform and the Commission On Dental Accreditation (CODA) standards; investigate barriers to an academic career faced by minority dental hygienists; and analyze the role of professional dental hygiene organizations with regard to minority recruitment and retention. Data were collected with electronic surveys from 309 dental hygiene directors (response rate: 44.8%), with a standard survey instrument from 175 dental hygienists of the NDHA (response rate: 33.1%) and 37 hygienists of the HDA (response rate 13.5%); and with focus group interviews of dental hygiene directors and minority dental hygienists. This study reaffirmed the low percentage of underrepresented minority (URM) students and faculty in dental hygiene programs. However, there was a correlation between minority dental hygiene administrators and the number of minority dental hygiene students enrolled and minority faculty employed. Dental hygiene schools implemented career days, attending job fairs, and career counseling as the foremost diversity initiatives. The majority of dental hygiene programs did not modify admissions, curricula, or recruitment programs as a result of health care reform or CODA standards. The most prominent barrier to academia faced by minority hygienists was the low educator salary. Professional dental hygiene organizations need to play a greater role with minority recruitment and retention. In conclusion, pipeline programs are needed to recruit and retain minority dental hygiene students and faculty. However, future targeted interventions are needed to address the success rate of diversity initiatives and pipeline programs with regard to URM recruitment and retention of dental hygiene students and faculty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dental, Diversity, Health, Recruitment and retention, United states
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