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Mindfulness practices for today's leaders: Reducing stress and improving heart health

Posted on:2013-09-16Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Gonzaga UniversityCandidate:Hawkins, MaryFull Text:PDF
By means of textual interpretation theory or hermeneutics (Gadamer, 1975/1989), this study reflected on the Buddhist practice of vipassana (Gunaratana, 2002) or insight meditation as it has evolved in current mind/body practices of cardiac health care. The awareness and attentiveness skills referred to as mindfulness-based practices (MBP) were examined from the perspective of not only the physical heart, but also the allegorical heart of leadership. This "fusion of horizons" led to the development of a leadership model that underscores a mindful heart, which is germane and appropriate for today's leaders amid relentless change. The paradigm identifies the parameters of mindfulness practices in relationship to emotions and heart function as a basis to support leadership skills, capacities, and dispositions that give rise to an essence, ethos, and spirit of healthy leadership guided by a mindful heart. Applying mindfulness-based practices for cardiac care to cultivate a mindfull heart gives emphasis to: (a) healthy heart habits that support well-being; (b) self and interpersonal leadership; (c) lovingkindness; (d) compassion; (e) equanimity; (f) appreciative joy; (g) discernment; and (h) authentic self-caring, to foster personal and interpersonal transformation and transcendence. Formation of a mindful heart is a function of contemplation coupled with action to foster organic and organizational heart health, which is vital to leadership excellence.
Keywords/Search Tags:Heart, Practices, Leadership, Mindful
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