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The role of a TGF-beta-like signaling pathway in Caenorhabditis elegans developmental programming

Posted on:2005-06-14Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Rutgers The State University of New Jersey and University of Medicine and Dentistry of New JerseyCandidate:da Graca, Li SFull Text:PDF
TGFbeta and related signaling pathways have been shown to play important roles in many diverse biological processes in animals. In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), a TGFbeta-like pathway controls developmental programming of the dauer/reproductive decision in response to environmental inputs. Dauer larval development is programmed to allows animals to survive in and disperse from a challenging environment. Previous genetic epistasis analysis showed that the daf-5 gene, along with the daf-3 Smad gene, controls dauer formation; both daf-5 and daf-3 are antagonized by upstream TGFbeta ligand, receptors and receptor-regulated Smads. Preliminary genetic mapping data suggested that daf-5 might represent a new TGFbeta signaling component.; I cloned daf-5 by using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mapping and cosmid transformation rescuing. An extensive phylogenetic analysis shows that DAF-5 is a novel member of the Sno/Ski superfamily. Sequencing daf-5 alleles and comparison to other Sno/Ski family members identified two important functional motifs in DAF-5: Dach box and SDS box. Yeast-two-hybrid experiments show that, like human Sno/Ski oncoproteins, DAF-5 can bind the DAF-3 Smad. Moreover, a DAF-5 gene tagged with GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein) is predominantly localized in the nucleus, suggesting that DAF-5, like Sno/Ski, is a regulator of transcription in a TGFbeta superfamily signaling pathway. This is the first genetic evidence that shows a Sno/Ski member functions in a TGFbeta pathway in vivo. However, DAF-5 is an unconventional Sno/Ski protein, because DAF-5 acts as a co-factor, rather than an antagonist, of a Smad protein.; I showed that expressing daf-5 in the nervous system rescues daf-5 mutants, whereas muscle or hypodermal expression does not. In addition, I also examined the role of daf-5 in other processes: egg-laying, regulation of cell cycle and pharyngeal muscle gene expression. I present a model in which DAF-5 and DAF-3 control the production or release of a hormone from the nervous system by either regulating the expression of biosynthetic genes or by altering the connectivity or the differentiated state of neurons in order to perfect reproductive timing.
Keywords/Search Tags:DAF-5, Signaling, Pathway, Elegans, Gene, DAF-3, Tgfbeta
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