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Evaluation of low birthweight and preterm birth outcomes in DeSoto County, Florida

Posted on:2005-01-24Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Ogilby, Terry EFull Text:PDF
GTID:1454390008478700Subject:Health Sciences
This study analyzed the birth outcomes of women delivering babies in Desoto County Florida from 1995–2001. Due to the increased incidence of low birthweight and preterm births occurring nationwide, a lack of local analysis, and the need to funnel limited resources into areas of biggest impact, this study was essential. A nonexperimental descriptive study was completed using the ex post facto design to complete quantitative analysis of retrospective birth outcome data extrapolated directly from birth certificates. This design allowed for the analysis of several independent variables at once. Despite preventative efforts and improved education, the rates of low birthweight and preterm infants are increasing. Inadequate prenatal care is the number one cause of poor birth outcomes in Desoto County. We must try to understand why.
Keywords/Search Tags:Birth outcomes, Desoto county, Low birthweight and preterm
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