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Phase Response Optimization of the Circadian Clock in Neurospora crassa

Posted on:2017-03-31Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of CincinnatiCandidate:Bellman, JacobFull Text:PDF
A circadian rhythm is a fundamental biological process observed in many organisms. Circadian oscillations play a vital role in maintaining the daily activities of approximately 24 hours. Dysfunctions of this process can be dangerous to an organism, and even life threatening. In this research, analysis is performed on mathematical models of the circadian clock in order to reveal unknown features of the clock, in particular, its response to external stimuli. Both simulations and experiments are performed for cross-validation using the model organism, Neurospora crassa. A novel approach of this project is the use of the phase response curve to identify chemical reactions responding to external inputs such as light administration. The results found in this study may provide useful information for potential treatments for circadian related diseases such as sleep disorders.
Keywords/Search Tags:Circadian, Response, Clock
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