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Strategies for Protein and Peptide Characterization and Quantification using Electron-Transfer Dissociation Mass Spectrometry and Intrinsic Fluorescence

Posted on:2013-07-03Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Wisconsin - MadisonCandidate:Russell, Jason DFull Text:PDF
Under the supervision of Associate Professor Joshua J. Coon At the University of Wisconsin-Madison The following chapters detail strategies for peptide and protein sequence analysis featuring electron-transfer dissociation (ETD) tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) and quantification using ultraviolet light-induced intrinsic fluorescence (UV-IF). Chapter 1 provides a brief background and overview. Chapter 2 discusses the optimization of the ETD MS/MS duty cycle for large-scale shotgun experiments. In Chapter 3, the first comprehensive analysis of peptide anions using negative ETD (NETD) is detailed. I report in Chapter 4 on the performance of an ion-ion reaction cell for intact protein analysis using large precursor populations for ETD MS/MS. The application of UV-IF for peptide detection and quantification using a custom fluorescence excitation and detection device is discussed in Chapter 5. An analysis of intact proteins from the 26S proteasome of Arabidopsis using top-down mass spectrometry and quantification by UV-IF is described in Chapter 6. In coordination with the Wisconsin Initiative for Science Literacy (WISL), Chapter 7 is a general description of my graduate research intended for non-specialists in an effort to promote science literacy in the broader community.
Keywords/Search Tags:Quantification using, Mass spectrometry, Chapter, Peptide, Protein, ETD
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