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Statistiques appliquees en chirurgie cardiaque adulte: Analyses de survie et applications du 'propensity score'

Posted on:2014-02-08Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Universite de Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Stevens, Louis-MathieuFull Text:PDF
The main objective of this work is to study in depth advanced biostatistical techniques in adult cardiac surgery outcome research. The studies were designed to incorporate the concepts of survival analysis, regression analysis with propensity score, and cost analysis.;The first manuscript assessed survival, and cardiovascular specific mortality, following surgical repair of acute ascending aortic dissection. The statistical analyses included survival analyses with multiphase parametric hazard regression and other parametric (exponential, Weibull), semi-parametric (Cox) or non-parametric models (Kaplan Meier), comparison with the survival of a matched cohort for age, gender and race using State lifetables, and modelization with bootstrapping and multinomial logit models. The study showed that the early and late survival following surgical repair has improved progressively over 25 years in association with noticeable changes in surgical techniques and preoperative diagnostic testing.;The second manuscript focused on outcomes following isolated coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with a history of percutaneous coronary intervention. The statistical analyses included multivariable regression models with propensity score, complex matching algorithm (1:3) and appropriate statistical analyses for matched groups (standardized differences, generalized estimating equations, and survival analyses with stratified proportional hazards models). The study showed that remote prior percutaneous coronary intervention more than 14 days before coronary artery bypass grafting surgery was not associated with adverse outcomes at short or long-term follow-up.;The third manuscript evaluated the financial consequences and the changes in case-mix that occurred at an academic medical center subsequent to the implementation of a satellite cardiac surgery program. The statistical analyses included two-way ANOVA multivariable regression models (logistic, linear or ordinal), propensity score, and cost analyses using Log-Normal parametric models. “Survival” analyses models were also explored, using “cost” instead of “time” as the outcome of interest, and led to similar conclusions. The study showed that, after implementation of the satellite cardiac surgery program, fewer patients of lower complexity came to the academic medical center from the satellite program area, with a significant increase in nursing workload and costs.;Keywords : Acute Type A Aortic Dissection ; Bypass, revascularization ; Cardiac surgery ; Coronary angioplasty ; Cost analysis ; Epidemiologic methods ; Follow-up studies ; Health economics ; Statistics, regression analysis ; Survival Analysis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Analyses, Propensity score, Cardiac surgery, Survival, Regression
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