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Partner Undermining Behaviors Scale - Weight Loss (PUBS-WL): Constructing a measure of partner undermining during weight loss attempts

Posted on:2014-06-02Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Clark UniversityCandidate:Harp. Amanda GenevieFull Text:PDF
Background: This study explored perceived partner undermining operationally defined as behaviors identified by the target to be directed from the intimate partner and considered by the target to make difficult or interfere with the target's weight loss attempts.;Purpose: This study aims to contribute basic knowledge and inform theory about undermining within relationships while creating a pragmatic tool for clinicians in the field.;Methods: The Partner Undermining Behaviors Scale—Weight Loss (PUBS-WL) item pool was evaluated by focus group discussants and reviewed by experts prior to exploratory (EFA, N=336) and confirmatory (CFA, N=305) factor analyses.;Results: CFA substantiated a four factor solution: 'Criticism and Negativity,' 'Interference,' 'Fear of Change,' and 'Affects Partner.' Convergent validity was demonstrated using relationship measures of satisfaction and acceptance as well as a measure of depressive symptoms.;Conclusions: The PUBS-WL may assist weight loss professionals from multiple disciplines in assessing perceived undermining faced by clients.;Key words: partner undermining, weight loss, behavioral health change, diet sabotage.
Keywords/Search Tags:Partner undermining, Weight loss, Behaviors, PUBS-WL
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