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The utilization of physician assistants in cardiothoracic surgery in New York State

Posted on:2006-11-11Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Kleinschmidt, Debra BFull Text:PDF
GTID:1454390008456247Subject:Health Sciences
Health care reform has become a paramount domestic issue. Health care reform has placed emphasis on reducing costs and optimizing the use of health care providers. Physician assistants (PAs) are mid-level practitioners who practice as health care providers. The roles and practices of PAs have expanded into virtually all areas of medicine. The surgical subspecialty of cardiothoracic surgery recognizes PAs as members of the health care delivery team. Numerous changes within the field of practice in cardiothoracic surgery have led to various opportunities for PAs. This self-administered quantitative survey study examined the utilization of PAs in cardiothoracic surgery in the state of New York.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cardiothoracic surgery, Health care, Pas
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