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Spouses of living kidney donors: A grounded theory approach

Posted on:2007-06-06Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Catholic University of AmericaCandidate:Taylor, Laura AFull Text:PDF
GTID:1454390005983221Subject:Health Sciences
The purpose of this study was to explore the question: What is the process of experiencing living kidney transplant by the spouse of a living kidney donor? This question is becoming more and more significant as the studies had noted that the best treatment of end-stage renal disease includes avoiding dialysis with pre-emptive transplantation with living donors (Biller-Adorno, 2005; Thiel, 2005; Delmonico, 2004) and the number of living kidney organ donations as of October 31, 2005 was 5475. Because the attitudes of donor family members, especially spouses, may affect the decision to donate and satisfaction with recovery from donation surgery, it is critical to know how the spouses of living kidney donors view kidney donation. This knowledge may be instrumental in promoting family harmony and donor recovery and wellness.;Eleven male spouses of living kidney organ donors discussed their experiences of the living kidney organ donation process through open ended interviews. A substantive theory that describes four phases of living kidney donation was generated utilizing an exploratory field design based on a modification of grounded theory methodology (Glaser & Straus, 1967). Descriptions of the experiences were conceptualized as a linear process that could be separated into four phases. The phases were identified as categories and conceptualized as inherent interactions and patterns of spousal relationships with living kidney donors throughout the living kidney organ donation process: (1) "Getting the Ball Rolling," (2) "If All We Need is One, Then Why Do We Have Two," (3) "Taking One for the Team," and (4) "It's in the Rear View Mirror.".;The core category, Fulfilling Your Vows, was recognized as a process in which the husband of the living kidney donor must fully embrace their marriage vows in order to effectively steer his wife and family through the donation process. The core variable described attitudes, behaviors, and measures that brought husbands the self assurance to rise above, and skillfully manipulate the tribulations and unease they faced as the husbands of living kidney donors through each phase of the process.;The living donation process and its four phases focused on these vows "for better and for worse," "in sickness and in health" and "for richer and for poorer." Within certain phases of the process emphases on the vows varied but never-the-less, an understanding of the overall benefit of the donation process was acknowledged by each husband.;Based on the qualitative findings of this research the following conclusions were drawn: The process of living kidney organ donation by the spouses of living kidney donor is temporal and linearly experienced, and it is complex. Husbands need to be prepared for post operative risks and require information that will better guide their care for the donor and their family. Living kidney donation requires preparation, financially, physically and emotionally. Further research is needed to explore the degree to which these concepts influence husband support and knowledge of the living donation process and in turn may influence familial care as provided by all spouses and significant others.
Keywords/Search Tags:Living, Process, Spouses, Theory
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