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Variability of the face-in-the-crowd effect within an array-search experiment using schematic facial expressions

Posted on:2007-04-06Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Purdue UniversityCandidate:Grudberg, Mark VincentFull Text:PDF
Participants searched for discrepant schematic faces amid arrays of emotional and neutral facial expressions, replicating prior Face-In-the-Crowd effect (F-in-C) research (Ohman, Lundqvist, & Esteves, 2001). Performance across the experiment was compared to assess variability of the F-in-C. Although variability was observed, clear trends were not evident. Analysis of performance on the first discrepant array indicated a strong F-in-C effect can be found in a single trial. The relation between the F-in-C effect and reported anxiety was also assessed. Implications for array-search methods and theories of prepared behavior are discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Effect, F-in-c, Variability
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