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Experimental Observation of the Barnett Effect for Protons

Posted on:2017-11-17Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:New York UniversityCandidate:Arabgol, MohsenFull Text:PDF
More than a century has passed since the experimental proof of the coupling between magnetization and rotation was found through the famous Einstein-de Hass experiment. Almost around the same time, Barnett experimentally demonstrated that the bulk rotation of an object leads to the partial alignment of the electronic magnetic moments widely known as the Barnett effect. Nevertheless, given the relatively small size of the magnetic moment of nucleons compared to electrons, the effect has not been experimentally detected at the nuclear level until the present day. The first and foremost objective of this study was to overcome this gap in experimental research. To measure the Nuclear Barnett Effect, we used a conventional low frequency NMR technique together with a high-speed spinner turbine. Our findings show that the observed nuclear magnetization due to rotation is consistent with the theoretical predictions; hence an experimental proof for the nuclear Barnett effect has been achieved. To demonstrate the validity of the results, a brief discussion on the effect of rotation on the intensity of the signal as well as an extensive analysis of the sources of error in low frequency NMR systems is provided.
Keywords/Search Tags:Barnett effect, Experimental, Rotation
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