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Analogues of bleomycin and firefly luciferin

Posted on:2006-03-21Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of VirginiaCandidate:McCormick, Michael MartinFull Text:PDF
Bleomycins and firefly luciferin both possess thiazole rings, however these rings function in entirely different manners. Bleomycins are used clinically as antitumor antibiotics that act as DNA damaging agents. The bithiazole moiety of bleomycin is contained within a portion of the molecule responsible for DNA binding. Through the alteration of the heterocycles in the bithiazole moiety, it proved possible to change the sequence selectivity of DNA damage done by bleomycin. Similarly, heterocyclic analogues of firefly luciferin, a substrate used in the light production of fireflies, were prepared. Alteration of the heterocycles in firefly luciferin, resulted in an alteration of bioluminescent emission in the luciferase enzyme.
Keywords/Search Tags:Firefly luciferin, Bleomycin
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