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Energy dissipation in polymer-polymer adhesion contacts

Posted on:2004-03-05Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of MinnesotaCandidate:Garif, Yev SkipFull Text:PDF
This study focuses on self-adhesion in elastomers as a way of approaching a broader polymer adhesion problem. The model systems studied are cross-linked acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives (PSA-LNs) synthesized to attain four surface types: neutral, acidic, basic, and polar. As the study progressed, it distinguished itself as the first of its kind to consistently report the effect of temperature on measurable intrinsic parameters of polymer adhesion.; The main goal of the study was to understand why the magnitude of the practical adhesion energies of the four PSA-LN systems tested varies disproportionately greater than their respective surface energies. To achieve this goal, continuous sweeps of adhesion energy as a function of rate of interfacial separation were performed using three different adhesion-probing techniques--- peel, micro-scratch, and normal contact. The answer was found in the sub-micron-per-second limit of separation rates. In approaching this limit, the power law behavior of adhesion gradually transitioned into a linear region of markedly weaker sensitivity to rate. Referred to as the "intrinsic window", this linear region was characterized by three parameters: (1) the intrinsic adhesion energy at zero rate of separation; (2) the intrinsic rate sensitivity equal to the proportionality constant of the linear fit; and (3) the critical separation rate in the middle of the transition to the power law. All three were found to be thermally activated. Activation energies suggested that interfacial processes are attributed mainly to dispersive and electrostatic molecular interactions such as hydrogen bonding or van der Waals attraction.; Comparative analysis of the intrinsic window of the four PSA-LNs tested showed that an increase in the intrinsic adhesion energy associated with higher surface energy is inherently coupled with an increase in the intrinsic rate sensitivity and reduction in the critical separation rate. When combined, the three parameters reshape the intrinsic window such that the entire power-law portion of the adhesion response is shifted to a level that appears disproportionately high based on the false assumption that there is only one intrinsic parameter contributing to the shift. Thus, the goal of explaining this disproportionality was achieved.
Keywords/Search Tags:Adhesion, Intrinsic, Energy
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