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Relating TMP interval scores to kinematic velocity parameters during reach

Posted on:2005-03-18Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of North Carolina at Chapel HillCandidate:Demby, Hiawatha C., JrFull Text:PDF
This study investigates the kinematic events that govern quality of performance on the timed manual performance (TMP) test. A motion capture system was used to record subjects as they performed the tasks of the TMP. Subjects performed the tasks with and without constraints. Constraints were then applied to the arm in order to change the reach kinematics. Performance curves were developed to describe the basic kinematics involved in performing the TMP tasks. Correlation between the TMP movement time interval and the kinematic changes in the time to achieve the peak velocity that were caused by adding the constraints indicated that the TMP may have potential to be used as a tool to identify kinematic parameters causing decline in the ability to perform reach.; An attempt was also made to extract a manipulation time from the TMP data. Manipulation time would be the time required to turn the latch so the door can begin to open. Long manipulation times may be an indication of problems such as arthritic or neuromotor ailments that would cause problems with fine motor skills and contribute to the decline of function.
Keywords/Search Tags:Kinematic, Performed the tasks
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