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Field and space charge determination in negative coronae

Posted on:2005-01-01Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Western Ontario (Canada)Candidate:Ieta, Adrian CFull Text:PDF
The pin-to-plane and wire-plane coronae in air have generally proven to render a Warburgian current density distribution at the plane electrode. Less often, non-Warburgian distributions are also reported. In our work, we investigate classical coronae in non-classical discharge media. Negative pin-plane configuration is used in the study of mixtures of n-pentane, cyclopentane, and 1-pentane as inter-electrode dielectrics. Starting from a conic approximation of the discharge region, a model is proposed. The analysis of experimental data is performed in terms of “corona impedance.” The model performs well in explaining the dependencies observed in experiments. Warburgian as well as non-Warburgian distributions are given theoretical consideration in an electrostatic approximation of a point charge above plane model. The model may also be useful in assessing major trends in analytically more difficult electrode configurations. Useful insights into the generation of reported planar distributions are derived, mainly as electrostatic effects upon the drifting space charge.
Keywords/Search Tags:Charge
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